The vulnerability, truthfulness and relatability of this is needed at times like this.

No more working hard to cover what we know is the right thing.

This rings true in multiple ways; thank you so much, Anna.

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Amen! I think one of the best ways to begin in prayer is to begin with honesty :)

Thank you for dropping by with your thought!

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Pray in the Name of Holy Spirit

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This was beautifully written and definitely convicted me to pray more. Like you said, it is a journey. I am getting my sea legs in the discipline of prayer slowly but surely. Thanks for this post. I love Prayer Storm by the way!

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It is a constant journey but maybe I would describe it more accurately as an epic adventure! But as with every epic adventure it is one step at a time :)

If we continue to invest in this discipline where we will be in one month will be vastly different to where we are now!

And yayy! I never really know who knows Prayer Storm here on substack!

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Yes. There is never really a dull moment with God. Yes. I have found that prayer journaling helps me immensely. There is something about putting pen to paper that makes it easier to articulate my thoughts.

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So true

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Thank you Anna, I love this encouragement to dig deep wells with the Lord, because we want more of Him! I'm encouraged to pray more outside of my regular prayer times today. To practice praying without ceasing. Hope you are having a great day.

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