So true - I had something similar shown to me when I compared others testimonies and blessings with my own. God made it very clear to me, that He blessed me in the way that is right for my life and my assignment and the others in a way that is right for theirs. We all need to work in our own "fields" so that all the work is done, we can't all work in the same field, we would just be in each other's way and hinder each other.

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amen amen to this! It is such a sneaky tactic of the enemy to desire to be what we are not. We so easily forfeit our blessings and testimonies when we do this. I thnk about how much time I have wasted and my prayer is that everything will be restored in Jesus name!

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Wow, this so hit me today. Thank you for your insight. Usually I highlight a sentence that really touched me, But there are so many juicy tidbits, I can't pick one. Be blessed and keep passing those revelations on.

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Thank you Karan! I am so glad it has been a blessing to you and thank you for the encouragement to keep going. Kinda needed that today 🙏🏼

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I’m blown away, Anna. Such a beautiful revelation from the Lord. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to tend to our own land and do it with a joyful heart.

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Kathy to be honest me too! I was stopped dead on my tracks when God gave me this revelation. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t understood before but I am so thankful to understand now. Now it is a matter of unlearning my habits and renewing my mind daily to live in accordance with the truth :)

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Thanks for sharing so vulnerably and honestly, Anna. I have definitely struggled with comparison and know how it feels to give up to avoid feelings of failure and inferiority. Thanks for the precious reminder to be content with the limits and boundaries that God has gifted to me - it’s already more than I deserve! ☺️

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THIS: “The painful reality is that the root of comparison is not insecurity, it is pride. Hiding ourselves away is not fear, it is the protection of our pride.” Perpetual retweet.

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hahaa I know I need this perpetually retweeted to my soul so that I will never forget and never be able to excuse myself 🙈

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Every sINgle Word landed so deeply IN my soma and Spirit. Thank you. All Glory to God 🤍

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amen amen! it all landed very deeply with me too 😭

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I literally was praying about this yesterday and my battle with comparison and those that seem more successful than myself. Then I see this post on Notes! 🤗 Thank you for writing this and sharing your words on this topic! I will reread this again and again 💗

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Mackenzie 🧡 it is such a real thing that we battle with and it is SO crippling. I hope that my words and the revelation of the Holy Spirit will be like a battering axe for you as you war for freedom. Cheering for you!

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Know your calling and stay in it!

Aptly said.

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hahaha yes basically the whole post but in one sentence 😂

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I love how the Lord used Psalm 16:5 and spoke so clearly about your boundary lines. 🤍

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

me too :) It is a verse that has been going over and over in my mind for nearly two years but I had never seen it in this light before. Thankful for the living and active word!

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‘Wishing that you had someone else’s ‘ 😭

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Even for body image issues ……

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The fact that you added PRAYER POINTS?

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